KEN Marketplace Ministry
- You don’t bring God into your business – He brings you to His Business.
- You don’t reach people with your message – You reach them with your life
- You don’t raise funds for the church’s ministry – God gives you wealth to advance His Kingdom
- We are not building businesses for our livelihood, but to be God’s solution for our generation.
- We build to leave more than an inheritance for our children, we leave a legacy for future generations.
- We won’t accomplish the full fulfillment of our vision; we lay Foundations on which others will build
- We don’t focus on blessing only – We Build to Bless
5 Pillars of KEN
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We rarely discuss the challenges we face or even our victories with others. KEN was born with the purpose of providing businesspeople a place to share, pray, stand, and celebrate with others. We’re going through the same experiences and growing together in a deeper understanding of the ‘” what, why, how, and when” of God’s calling; both individually and collectively. KEN is also a place where we encourage each other in developing a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him who is the Head and Cornerstone, from whom all other relationships need to be aligned.
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They are to teach their children as they rise, lay down, go out, come back home, and as they sit together. The vision God has given Ken, is to raise up, support, and provide contact for fathers, both naturally and spiritually. To teach the future generations the vision and purpose of God in creation, and redemption, so we can understand at the earliest possible age, how to live a life with purpose and an understanding that everything we do contributes and advances God ‘s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
If we truly understand how to do this, and the fact that leaving a legacy for our children is more important than just a material inheritance, then our ceiling will become their floor, and they will go much higher than we are capable of. God‘s purpose will be more established and more visible with each generation.
KEN works together with other networks and ministries in providing a comprehensive curriculum for the purpose of inspiring training and empowering future generations in building businesses that express God’s way of doing business.