KEN Marketplace Ministry

  1. You don’t bring God into your business – He brings you to His Business.
  2. You don’t reach people with your message – You reach them with your life
  3. You don’t raise funds for the church’s ministry – God gives you wealth to advance His Kingdom
  4. We are not building businesses for our livelihood, but to be God’s solution for our generation.
  5. We build to leave more than an inheritance for our children, we leave a legacy for future generations.
  6. We won’t accomplish the full fulfillment of our vision; we lay Foundations on which others will build
  7. We don’t focus on blessing only – We Build to Bless

5 Pillars of KEN


Loneliness is one of the greatest dilemmas of leaders today. We may be in the middle of a crowd, part of a church or other social group, yet opening to others about issues we face daily, especially regarding the fulfillment of our calling and purpose, is difficult.
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We rarely discuss the challenges we face or even our victories with others. KEN was born with the purpose of providing businesspeople a place to share, pray, stand, and celebrate with others. We’re going through the same experiences and growing together in a deeper understanding of the ‘” what, why, how, and when” of God’s calling; both individually and collectively. KEN is also a place where we encourage each other in developing a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him who is the Head and Cornerstone, from whom all other relationships need to be aligned.


God identifies himself very early in history as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of generations. In Deuteronomy, Moses is given the mandate of teaching the children of Israel, God ‘s chosen people, His law.
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They are to teach their children as they rise, lay down, go out, come back home, and as they sit together. The vision God has given Ken, is to raise up, support, and provide contact for fathers, both naturally and spiritually. To teach the future generations the vision and purpose of God in creation, and redemption, so we can understand at the earliest possible age, how to live a life with purpose and an understanding that everything we do contributes and advances God ‘s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

If we truly understand how to do this, and the fact that leaving a legacy for our children is more important than just a material inheritance, then our ceiling will become their floor, and they will go much higher than we are capable of. God‘s purpose will be more established and more visible with each generation.

KEN works together with other networks and ministries in providing a comprehensive curriculum for the purpose of inspiring training and empowering future generations in building businesses that express God’s way of doing business.


Passion is the key factor in accomplishing anything on a long term, or permanent basis. One of the main messages to the churches in the book of revelation is about returning to their first love.
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We need to know what our passion is, what really lights a fire in our bosom. That will ultimately help us identify where our heart is and where our treasure is or should be. We need to always be generous, compassionate, and give to the needs around us, but we also need to learn to invest our strength and resources into what our true passion is. When we give only because of a need, sooner or later, we feel used or unappreciated. When we invest in our passion, we do it for a cause and can see the result of our efforts. As Isaiah 51 says, we will see the “fruits of our labor, and be satisfied”. KEN focuses on helping business people identify their projects and connect their passion and resources with existing projects, or even develop new ones others will identify with.


As we understand that money is not the root of evil, but the love of money is, we can see money as an important tool to further the purpose of God and the advancement of his kingdom.
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Ken creates a platform of networking both on a local and regional level. We open doors for business networking across national and international lines. We connect resources and skills to opportunities, creating wealth for the support of businesses, advance kingdom projects, and to bless churches, and ministries. Products in one country can find a destination in another country. Businesses set up to make this happen can be engaged, creating growth and wealth for all involved. As we establish the foundation of the lordship of Jesus in our businesses, we can see that wealth is not a goal in itself, but the currency necessary to transform vision into reality, blessing the body of Christ, and expanding the influence of God’s kingdom.


Or it might be best said as Creating Synergy between Marketplace and Local Church Ministries – One of the greatest challenges we have seen in working with churches is a lack of understanding of the relationship between the church leader, and the business leader’s need of one another.
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Many times, this resentment grows, and then the spirit of independence comes in as church leaders pressured by financial needs and demands of ministry, tend to be territorial and possessive over the businesses, seeing them as the solution to their ministry. God wants to raise up businesses that prosper and become the solution to the vision of the kingdom in the church, but we need to understand the true nature of the apostolic mandate of business leaders. God gives them not only the ability to create wealth, but also vision, strategy, and boldness to be used to expand the vision of the church and advance the kingdom of God. On the other hand, business leaders also need the shepherding and love of their spiritual leaders. . They need love, nurture and training in the spiritual realm like any other member of the church. Their mission and intensity in their marketplace ministry do not usually allow them to have an active role in the daily duties and volunteering in the church activities as others might be. Understanding the synchrony is essential for the growth of the vision and fulfillment of the Lord ‘s prayer: “May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Ken believes that Marketplace ministries will be a key element in advancing this vision of kingdom across denominational lines and be fundamental in the answer to Jesus’s prayer for us to be one, so the world may believe.