We can do more together, so we seek to connect people and create business communities inspired and moved by the Kingdom of God. The God of the Bible is a relationship, God. He desires us to be in community with each other and Him and to work together in the body of Christ to make ready for the Kingdom of God to be resident here on earth as it is in heaven. Building relationships is vital for us to operate as God has instructed. Jesus established the Church to bring unity and strength to the people He has called. Relationships develop trust and cooperation. In the business world relationships are a vital part of being successful. Most businesspeople understand this when networking their markets to succeed or to create sales but many times they miss out on the value of strong relationships between other businesspeople.
We are called to be in a relationship together and by doing so we can encourage each one to always do his best and be in fellowship with other strong believers.
We believe God is bringing a renewed awareness of the key role businesspeople and entrepreneurs have in the expansion and establishment of His Kingdom in our days and the next generations. The importance of coming together to inspire, encourage, and strengthen each other for our roles in this calling is a healthy way to work and pray together in establishing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
We believe we need a new understanding of what it means to do business according to Kingdom principles as we see God is arousing many others. It is with this vision and burden we see the need to partner together in fulfilling His calling.